🇨🇦 Great Hobbies is a Canadian company celebrating 41 years in business 🇨🇦
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Ordering On-Line

The best way to order from Great Hobbies is through our on-line catalog on this website. This site features a completely secure shopping cart system so you can shop with confidence that your personal information is used only by us and only for the purpose of serving your hobby needs. Orders are generally shipped within 24 hours (on weekdays) of when they are placed. Phone orders taken by noon are usually packaged and shipped the same day while orders taken after noon are generally shipped the following day.

Finding Product

You can access the products to add to your cart from several locations. Many of our pages have features along the right hand side of the page. These will take you to more detailed information of the product shown. From there you will be given the opportunity to add the product to your shopping cart.

You can also search for specific products using the Quick Search box on the top of the left hand column of most pages. This will accept keywords in from the part number, description, category or vendor fields of the product database. For a more detailed description of the Quick Search, visit here.

If you want a more detailed search for specific products, using our Advanced Search would be your best bet. This search engine can let you narrow down the product list by any combination of vendor, description, and category. For a more detailed description of how this works, visit the Advanced Search page.

Adding an item to Your Cart

The searches will generate a list of products that meet the criteria of the search and the items may be viewed with or without images by toggling the "list without images" and "show with images" links at the upper left of each list. If you are using the "show with images" option, you can add an item to your cart by entering the quantity of the item you wish to purchase in the box provided on the right of the listing and pressing the "Add this item to Cart" link. If you are using the "list without images" option, enter the quantity required in the box provided at the right and press the "buy" button.

The product list that is generated by the search engines has several other convenient features. The products are displayed by vendor with the name of each vendor displayed in a header at the top of that portion of the list. By clicking on either the vendor name or the "Vendor Infor" link, you can view more contact information on that vendor. By clicking on the "Show All" link, you can generate a list of all products that we carry that are manufactured by that vendor.

If you are viewing with the "list with images" mode, you will also have the option of generating a list of all products that we carry that are manufactured by that vendor by clicking the vendor's name link next to the product image. Just underneath that is a Category link. By pressing the link displayed here will show you all products that fall under the same category as the item.

Product Information

More detailed product infromation, when available, may be viewed by clicking the product image or description while in the "show with images" mode. If you are viewing without images, you can get the detailed product information by clicking the "info" button at the right end of the listing. The product information page also allows you to enter a quantity and add the item to your shopping cart.

Viewing your Shopping Cart

You will be taken to your shopping cart as soon as you add an item. This way you can see exactly what is in your cart while you are shopping. To continue shopping, simply press the "Continue Shopping" button to return to the page where you were immediately before adding the item.

You can access your shopping cart any time by clicking the "Shopping Cart" link at the very top left hand corner of any page. All items you have placed in your cart will be displayed with their current selling price, the quantity ordered of each item, and the total dollar value for that item. You will also be given the option of deleting an item from the cart or updating the quantity. To do this, simply enter the new quantity you wish of the item and press the "Update" button. Again, detailed product information may be viewed by pressing the "Info" button.

Pressing the "Empty Cart" button will remove all items that are currently in your shopping cart.

Checkout Process

Once you have chosen all the items you wish to purchase, you can continue to the checkout process by clicking the "checkout" button. The checkout process is very straight forward with seven steps that are clearly outlined along the top of the header. Be sure to fill in all pertinent information as requested.