SP Racing F3 Acro Flight Controller 6DOF + OSD
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30.5 mm
Mounting holes:
36 mm
36 mm
6 g
- STM32F303 CPU, 72Mhz inc FPU
- High-Capacity Flash (Acro and Deluxe)
- MPU6050 accelerometer/gyro
- MicroUSB socket
- 2x 8pin JST-SH sockets (PPM, PWM, SERIAL RX, GPIO, ADC, 3V, 5V, GND)
- 8x 3pin though-holes for pin headers for ESC/Servo connections
- 2x 4pin though-holes for pin headers for 2x serial ports
- 1x 2pin though-holes for pin headers for battery voltage
- 1x 2pin though-holes for pin headers for buzzer
- 1x 4pin JST-SH socket for I2C
- 1x 4pin JST-SH socket for SWD debugging
The hardware was designed by the lead developer of Cleanflight to be more capable than the previous-generation STM32F1-based boards after hearing feedback from the Cleanflight users, contributors and top-pilots.
The SPRacingF3 runs the open-source Cleanflight flight control (FC) software which has an ever-growing community of friendly developers and users. Being open-source means that you too can contribute to the system.
The SPRacingF3 gives you all the features you need for the heart of your aircraft, whether you're into FPV racing, acrobatic flying or aerial photography it's perfect.
Supports a variety of aircraft, tricopters, quadcopters, hexacopters, octocopters, planes and more.
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