DESC210R 1/10 2WD Elec Short Course Kit
But only from... TEAM DURANGO
All items from... TEAM DURANGO
The DESC210R 2WD Short Course Truck kit uses many of the ground breaking features introduced on the hugely successful DEX210 buggy. It includes the option to run mid or rear motor, 3 or 4 gear layout, an option never before seen on a Short Course Truck. Already a winner in the 4WD Short Course class with our DESC410R, Team Durango is taking 2WD Short Course racing to the next level.
The DESC210R is unique. That is why our 'Hybrid technology' gearbox design has a patent application (No: 2 486 513). The DESC210R allows you, the racer, to choose if you want the motor to be in rear- or mid-motor position. Not only that, you can decide whether you want the motor to be on the left- or right-hand side of the car. All of these configuration options are available with the same gearbox unit and without altering the suspension geometry. This ability, to tune the weight distribution and torque orientation of the motor, without changing your suspension set-up, is what makes the DESC210R a unique Short Course Truck. The DESC210R is arguably the most tuneable yet user-friendly pro electric off road Short Course Truck kit available today.