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Ultimate AMR 60 ARF - Yellow

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Ultimate AMR 60 ARF - Yellow
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52 in
900 sq in
Wing Area:
12.4 oz/sq ft
Wing Loading:
56 in


A few words from Shaun, the designer and PA chief engineer

AMR 60 was designed in mind as a competition class bi plane and NOT a park flyer. Built strong and precise with high technology engineering, the end result being THE lightest bi-plane ever made in mass production. The flight envelope is incredibly wide from high speed super energy aerobatics to crawling super solid harriers and landings. That allows ANY pilot to confidently fly and enjoy the AMR 60, regardless of their piloting skills. The AMR 60 simply breaks the known barrier most biplanes earned for their high speed landing and rapid stalls. No time or money was spared in the process of the design to the production. I was extremely picky while selecting every tiny bit whether it was a small nut or bolt, to the hinges of which we tested six different materials to get the best stiffness.

I had a lot of challenges during the design which made it my toughest project to date. The battery compartment and the ease of installing and removing the batteries was one. Also the hatch design and ease of installation. The quick installation system for the wing was a big challenge. There’s a lot of difficulty in the production process which makes this plane extremely expensive to produce at the high level we set.

The end result is an exceedingly enjoyable plane to assemble, transport and fly.

The extremely detailed and user friendly manual took hundreds of hours to complete but the idea is to allow ANYONE to assemble the plane with ease.

AMR60 can be flown as an excellent sport plane, IMAC practice plane or the most energetic extreme 3D plane. All you need to do is to set up high and low rates (preferably three rate switch). Its large size and vibrant color scheme allow excellent visibility and orientation in flight. I find it one of the most graceful aerobatics planes to fly, even if you just perform basic aerobatics like rolls and loops. It’s super smooth and precise.

I designed the AMR 60 from the ground up ignoring the full scale Ultimate aerodynamic design, however, at the same time I did a HUGE amount of research on all version of the Ultimate ever made and took every tiny bit I liked along my own lines and combined them into a fine looking, highly modified Ultimate. By looking at it, it feels like an Ultimate, however it is far from being scale. It exhibits no KE coupling, extreme maneuverability with unprecedented stall characteristics which will allow the pilot to perform every maneuver they can come up with.

Due to the challenges of the design and the targets we wanted to achieve, this project development and design spanned over more than 5 years. We went back and forth to the drawing board with new ideas refining the design each time to complete this model which is a real engineering achievement.

To name just some of the targets:


  • Just a few minutes to assemble at the field, which are easily transportable even in a small car – Shaun developed the IWRS (innovative wing removal system) which requires only two bolts for the bottom wing, and two carbon retaining pins for the top wing.
  • Unbelievable low flying weight for optimal wing loading and flight performance. The AMR 60’s all up weight is about half of competing brands which makes it the lightest bi-plane ever made.
  • Built extremely accurately with pre-set wing incidence (done twice, before and after the covering process). Wings and CF tabs are preinstalled in the factory to ensure excellent alignment and fit. All you need to do is bolt on the wings.
  • Unmatched flying characteristics – no gyro is needed!!
  • Simple and efficient control surfaces set up using only 4 powerful, yet economical servos.
  • New airfoil specifically designed, tested and refined for this airframe to achieve the performance target.
  • Unique aileron design enhances aerodynamic airflow and control efficiency, complimented by the optional carbon fiber Vortex generators.
  • Wing carry jigs and deflection meter are included with the kit.




It was our target that the assembly will be easy for the modeller and requires only a few evenings.

  • The instruction manual is the most detailed you’ll find and takes you step by step with high quality large images and attention to details that simplify the process (example- CG set up by inserting a fishing line through a designated hole in the cabane struts – no measuring required).
  • No pull-pull on the rudder, we were able to accomplish having the rudder servo on the tail with a direct drive, special oversize carbon fiber pushrod, to provide maximum strength and zero flex for best flight performance.
  • The ailerons are already pre-hinged with the gaps sealed and as such assembling the wing is quick and easy.
  • Elevator/stabilizer hinge slots are pre-cut and ready for you to glue the hinges.





  • Unlike others we don’t offer our team pilots superior gear and sell you cheaper stuff – what you see in our flying videos is what you get! 
  • Truly powerful set up: 
    We raised the bar once again making the lightest and most powerful motor in its class! the Thrust 60 Revo 24 poles with the latest generation RotorKool® system making it lighter than our Thrust 50 yet even more powerful and kool! This motor is so efficient it allows us to power the model with 2200 or 2600mAh packs. We chose to use 2 x 3S packs to allow these packs to be used in our smaller models. We find 3s packs to last longer than 6S due to the better cooling each cell has. It is also a pack that is already owned by most of our customers so investment in a single 6S pack is not needed. 
  • This plane / gear combination is incredibly versatile, with the use of 3 different props, you can completely transform the plane, VOX15x8 for all around freestyle performance, VOX15x10 for extreme high energy aerobatics, and VOX16x7 for all out low and slow 3D.
  • We developed the new NXT-90 High Voltage (HV) servos and with them the new Quantum 70 Pro ESC with powerful (8amp peak) selectable voltage SBEC, which allows you to choose between 6v, 7.4v and 8.0v! These powerful servos are significantly lighter yet offer more torque, and a smaller foot print taking its performance to the next level! The NXT90HV will beat ANY other servo brand in value for money, hands down!
  • Easily accessible battery tray, a common issue with bipes – but not in this one!


Construction and hardware

  • FiberFusion® engineering at its best, exploiting knowledge from the past 14 years, utilizing the strengths of the fibers within each raw material, with the end result being lighter, stronger, more rigid aircraft that fly like nothing else! No black spraying of components just to trick the eye! No cheap lamination that you’ll now see in so many RC models. There is a LOT of construction engineering and testing work done on each part of the plane. 
  • No compromise on smooth flight performance, we sourced the hardware from multiple suppliers worldwide. The ball links and couplers from Germany, selected quality anodized socket head cap screws throughout, making the assembly a breeze. * Top quality high temperature Carbon fiber components are all made in house: from the carbon fiber CNC machined control horns and cabane struts to the landing gear and spinner cone. Carbon fiber wing tubes and pushrods as well as the many reinforcement and formers in the structure are all made of the real stuff! Even our T60R motor X mount is made of CNC machined thick solid carbon fiber plate for extreme rigidity and significant weight reduction. 
  • The AMR 60 is built using finest grade material, all cut by state-of-the-art laser and CNC machines and pre-assembled by our skilled PA owned factory staff. Competition grade balsa is selected to ensure consistent quality and density through the entire airframe in each and every airframe. This means no wavy balsa sheeting and full control over the model weight.
  • In order to attain uniform performance for each and every model produced, we build the planes on very precise jigs. Each set of wings are matched individually to each fuselage (this is something most factories don’t do even in giant scales production). 
  • Metal hatch latch




  • No bad flying tendency – This is a one of a kind biplane on the market capable of flying as good as a monoplane and yet offers the unique cool biplane experience and unbeatable stunning in-flight appearance. It also makes a cool wing whistle during high speed passes and KE!
  • It tracks like it’s on rails, high speed knife edge circles, superb precision, incredible high energy maneuvers (crankshafts, pop tops, blenders, this plane loves it all), graceful walking speed low and slow 3D, harriers with no wing rock in any position, super rolling harriers, hovers and torque rolls, this plane does it all! It’s up to you to set the pace.
  • The AMR 60 has quick, crisp response on high rates and will lock into KE at any speed or angle of attack. It’s an excellent tumbling machine able to execute tight spins, violent snaps and crazy waterfalls. Its fast axial roll is provided by four huge ailerons couple with rigid Fiberfusion® airframe construction.
  • Low rates tames the AMR 60’s personality to smooth and precise. Perfect for precision IMAC or sports style flying. Long fast turns are very accurate and without adverse yaw or loss of attitude and beautiful straight lines. Four point rolls and eight point rolls are simply beautiful.
  • Worried about landing? Forget what you have heard about biplanes. The AMR 60 is THE easiest biplane to land. It will practically land itself at any speed without the risk of wing stall. It’s a breeze to perform perfect landings without the need for a fast approach and a long runway.
  • With such a wide flight envelope, whether you are after sport flying, precision or extreme 3D/freestyle this plane is for you!


Genuine Carbon Fiber parts


FiberFusion® construction throughout
CF wing tubes
CF CNC machined wing cabane
CF heavy duty pushrods and aileron ganging rods
CF firewall locker
CF top wing retaining rods
CF Wings’ Leading edges
CF reinforced fiberglass cowling
CF CNC machined battery tray
CF CNC machined control horns
CF highly reinforced pre-assembled motorbox
CF Pre-installed elevator trailing edge reinforcement
CF reinforcement in the wings
CF quality pre-drilled landing gear
CF Pre-installed anti-rotation wing pins and retaining tabs
Wings feature state of the art construction with CF reinforced spars
CF CNC machined cabane and struts tabs (pre-installed accurately in the wings).
CF CNC machined motor X mount
CF fully reinforced fuselage in all key points

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