DSMP/X/2 Plug and Go Module for JR Bay Compatible Transmitter
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The Lemon Rx DSMP Plug and Go transmitter module is designed specifically for any JR module bay capable transmitter that supports PPM or 9XR-DSM protocol. Example of these transmitters are RadioMaster TX16s, TX12, FrSky Taranis Q X7 and Turnigy 9x just to name a few. The revolutionary DSMP protocol based on software defined radio packet allows full compatibility to all Horizon Hobby's DSMX or DSM2 compatible receiver as well as the bind and ready to fly model aircraft without any channel rescaling configuration required except the first 4 channels' order (TAER or namely Throttle, Aileron, Elevator, Rudder) need to be mapped. The module is designed to work with Lemon Rx or Spektrum-compataible aircraft receiver (not compatible with Spektrum surface receiver).