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The Flite Test Book of R/C Airplanes is a one-stop route into getting started with RC! Like a beginner video series in print form, this physical book guides aspiring pilots through their journey to flight. Learn how to choose a great first airplane, understand how RC aircraft work and read about how to control your model.
We’re super excited to equip you with a brand new way to learn about RC whilst giving you the means to share the joy of model aircraft with your friends. The book has been designed to be a great gift for anyone, even if they have no prior experience in the hobby. It is easy to read, is filled with diagrams and illustrations, and provides all of the reasons why you should love RC.
This full-color 76-page handbook would look great on any RC hobbyist’s shelf. It can provide advice long after you've grasped the basics of RC flying and allow you to bring the hobby to your friends and family one page at a time.