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information is to be used as a general guide to current inventory. There is no guarantee of
Recommended for all 1/10 scale buggy and truggy applications that
weigh less than 5lbs (2.25kg)
USB programming capability via Castle Link USB adapter (not included)
Waterproof for use in nearly every environment
Reversible with reverse lockout
540 size can replaces many stock brushed motors
Four magnet, four pole rotor for greater torque
Removable end bell
Sidewinder SV3 12V ESC with 13 gauge Motor Wires, 4mm Female Bullet
Motor Connectors, 13 gauge Battery Wires with Pre-Tinned Leads,
Receiver Connector, On/Off Switch, Instructions, 5700kV 1406
series Brushless Motor with 4mm Male Bullet Connectors and 1/8 shaft.